Health / Smoking cessation / Quit Guru

Quit Guru

96 reviews Excellent
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Jul 12, 2024
jessica jessica
Simply amazing I can’t believe how amazing this program is! Id tried to quit vaping so many times before, but nothing ever worked. But this was different. It was like you guys really understood what I was going thru. I haven’t vaped for 9 months now and I feel incredible! Before this my longest attempt to quit vaping lasted one week. What an incredible difference! If you’re serious about quitting this is the program for you!!! 😍
Quit Guru replied: Jul 13, 2024
Thank you so much, Jessica! We're thrilled to hear about your 9-month success and how our program made a difference. Keep up the amazing work – we're here for you every step of the way!
Nov 14, 2023
Irena Puidokiene
Over 1 year since quit smoking I still can't believe how easy it was to quit smoking after 24 years and multiple previous trials to quit with no success, and I still feel so extremely happy that I did it. I've waited one year to write this review. Yes, it's really does work, and yes, I know I will never start smoking again. Thank you amasing team for what you do!
Quit Guru replied: Nov 15, 2023
Wow, congratulations on your smoke-free year! 🎉 Your story is exactly why we do what we do. It's amazing to hear how our program helped make your journey easier, especially after 24 years. Thanks so much for sharing your success—it means the world to us and keeps us inspired to help others. Keep enjoying your healthy, smoke-free life, and remember, we're here whenever you need us!
Jun 16, 2023
Renee Skuban
More than Happy I had a secret vape addiction that was completely the boss of me and I surely thought I would get my money back after it didn't work. But it was worth every cent because I am completely free now from this insane addiction for over a year! I didn't even need to finish the whole program! I'm done! I'm in control of my health and I have even noticed positive effects in other aspects of my life. So grateful!
Quit Guru replied: Jun 17, 2023
That's fantastic news! We're so happy to hear that you've reclaimed control over your health and are enjoying the freedom from your vape addiction. 🌟 It's even more inspiring that you've seen positive changes in other areas of your life too. Thanks for choosing Quit Guru and for sticking with it—even if you didn't need the whole program to see results! Your success is a huge motivator for our team and others in the community.
Apr 29, 2023
James Herbes
Best thing ever I smoked for 28 years. Tried to quit every year for last 10 years. You name the product, I tried it. Even hypnosis. This I was reluctant. Best 67 dollars I ever spent. Been almost 5 months a non smoker.
Quit Guru replied: Apr 30, 2023
What an incredible journey! Quitting after 28 years is no small feat, and we're thrilled that our program was the one to finally make the difference for you. Hearing that it's the best money you've ever spent truly makes our day. Congratulations on nearly 5 months smoke-free! We're proud of you and glad to have been a part of your success. Keep up the great work, and remember, we're here anytime you need support!
Oct 2, 2022
Michela Bellodi
I quit smoking after 35 years I’ve been a heavy smoker for 35 years and gave up many times. I tried quit guru out of curiosity, but without high expectations…well I haven’t smoked for a month without any effort. I know it sounds unbelievable, in fact it still is unbelievable even to me, but it’s true. I was certainly very motivated as I was fed up of coughing, of having no energy and so on, but I think quit guru helped me brake the strong link in my mind between cigarettes and pleasure. I knew rationally that smoking didn’t really add anything to my life, but still deep inside I FELT that giving up smoking would equal to less pleasure with a glass of wine, at a party and more anxiety when I am stressed. On the contrary, I am so enjoying feeling healthier and free as well as I experienced very clearly this time that actually smoking was feeding my anxiety. I am now much more calm and focussed, even when I am very busy. I am not sure how Quit Guru works but it definitely does! So if you are serious about giving up please try, it will make your journey so much simpler.
Quit Guru replied: Oct 2, 2022
Ciao Michela, thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! We are very happy we could help you become a successful non-smoker.
Aug 13, 2022
Michele L.
It really worked! I doubted all the way through the first couple of weeks of the program, but kept listening every day. By the third week I started to feel ready to quit smoking. I have been a smoker for almost 40 years, and didn’t think I could ever be able to quit for good. I am now a week smoke free, and I am so grateful!
Quit Guru replied: Aug 14, 2022
Hello Michele, we are very happy for you! That’s why we always encourage our program participants to complete the program and see if it works for them. Quite a few program participants changed their minds a few days or even weeks into the program, and quit smoking after completing it. Stories like yours are the reason why we are in this business. Thank you for your excellent review! ❤️
Aug 6, 2022
Britta Just
Feels great to be free! Been a smoker for 18 years, and managed to stop with this program. Feels great to be free! B.
Quit Guru replied: Aug 7, 2022
Hey Britta, thank you so much for your amazing review! We are glad the Quit Guru program has helped you regain your freedom ❤️
Jul 21, 2022
A Very Happy Customer
I’m now an ex smoker thanks to this Smoked for over 35 years about a pack and a half a day for the last 20 years or so. After I turned 57, I thought maybe I should quit the smokes. All I did to give up smoking was listen to the program for a month and think about my addiction. That was it. No patches, no hypnosis, no nothing. That was just over 5 months ago and I haven’t had any slip ups or anything of that sort since.
Quit Guru replied: Jul 22, 2022
Thank you for your amazing review! We are glad to learn that the program worked for you so well!
Jul 19, 2022
Veronica gilbert
CHANGED MY LIFE I cannot recommend this programme enough. ITHas changed my life forever and it will change yours, guaranteed. I smoked for over 18 years and had tried everything to quit.When I signed up forthe programme,I didn’t think much of it- just another method to try. But look at me now- haven’t had a cigarette for 9 days straight. TY!
Quit Guru replied: Jul 19, 2022
Hey Veronica, we are delighted to hear that the program worked for you! ❤️
Jul 13, 2022
David R.
6 weeks since my last cigarette My friend recommended the program. I quit on the very last day in the program and waited to see if I slip up. I didn’t, and I’m now confident enough to recommend Quit Guru as an effective method that finally helped me escape the slavery of nicotine addiction!
Quit Guru replied: Jul 13, 2022
Hey David, thank you for your amazing review! We are so very glad to learn that the program worked for you! Don’t forget the support available to our program participants through our new Stay Smoke-Free program. It will help you maintain your non-smoker’s mindset and stay on track so that you remain smoke-free for good!
Jul 10, 2022
Cassius Mann
I can see the difference I have been listening to the Quit Guru program for the last 16 days straight. I can already tell that it is changing the way I think about smoking. I DO want to smoke less. I have high hopes this will finally help me quit as I have been a heavy smoker for more than 30 years.
Quit Guru replied: Jul 10, 2022
Hello Cassius, thank you for your feedback! We are very happy that the program is helping you smoke less. Looking forward to the day when you will become a non-smoker!
Jul 6, 2022
Sarah Cohn
This is why I didn’t quit sooner I almost feel sorry for myself because I wasted so much time trying to quit smoking on my own and this program helped me quit quickly and easily.
Quit Guru replied: Jul 6, 2022
Hello Sarah, we are so happy to hear that the program has worked so well for you! Congrats on your amazing accomplishment!
Jul 5, 2022
David Thank you
I cannot believe I am a nonsmoker! Haven’t smoked for for 4 months now which is my personal record!I had been smoking for over 20 years and I thought I would never be able to quit. Thank you for giving me my life back!
Quit Guru replied: Jul 5, 2022
Hey David, glad to hear that you are doing so well! Quitting smoking is absolutely worth it, isn’t it?
Jul 5, 2022
Rene Kovacs Jr.
Great help! This program taught me lots of things about my addiction. This helped me find courage within myself to take back control of my life.
Quit Guru replied: Jul 5, 2022
Hello Rene, thank you for sharing your story! We are so happy to hear that our program was able to help you. Thank you for trusting us in your quitting journey!
Jul 3, 2022
Alex A.
This program is AMAZING! I was a heavy smoker for years and this program has helped me stop smoking! I am on day 21 of being smoke-free and I feel great! Thank you!!
Quit Guru replied: Jul 3, 2022
Hello Alex, thank you for giving the Quit Guru program a try! We are so happy to hear that it helped you achieve your goal! Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health and well-being. Thank you for putting your trust in us!
Why customers recommend Quit Guru
Customer satisfaction
of 96 customers are happy with their Quit Guru experience
About Quit Guru Quit Guru offers a unique audio-based quit smoking approach based on cognitive behavioral therapy that takes no more than 10 minutes a day. Proven to help people quit smoking with little effort and anxiety, Quit Guru aims to revolutionize the nicotine addiction treatment industry by offering counselor-grade guidance that costs less than a week’s worth of cigarettes.
Contact information
Kriviu g. 5, LT-01204 Vilnius, Lithuania